Thursday 25 February 2010

Can she even say that?

So, parents evening tonight, and my history teacher has desided to tell my mum, since I've come back after being ill for two weeks, I act depressed, what the hell? I've lost the sparkle in my eye? Maybe it's true, maybe I do act depressed at times, sure, I ain't been as happy as I have been. My flipping rabbit died, it's going to take a while to get over that, and then my bird? Sounds pathetic, but a change like that isn't good for me. Things need to stay the same. My rabbit was a part of me, for 8 years, and I can't just throw that away and forget about it. I can't go back to being how I once was, with a gaping hole in my heart. It's just going to take a little getting used to. I'm sorry I don't have that sparkle in my eye, but I'm working on getting it back, I'm working on it. Everytime I laugh or smile, it appears, even if only for a second. I'm trying to get back on track, and it's just too much pressure. I just have to go with the flow though, I'm dwelling in everything whilst the rest of life is passing me by, and I can see people don't like it. They're getting bored of me. So I need to get this twinkle back, and fast, otherwise I'm going to lose everything. I just need to smile. My very existance depends on it. There is one person that can fix it all... I just have to hope I'm not beyond repair...

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