Sunday 25 April 2010

So the Circle repeats

So, once again, he's got his own life, and I said I wouldn't be bothered, but when it gets to the extent I've seen him 3 hours at best in the past 3-4 weeks, its getting a little pathetic. I try not to care, as he seems not too, but it's so hard. I love him so much, and each time he says hes busy, hes shattering my heart. I don't know how much longer I can take it, I'm trying to distract myself, but nothing seems to stop me checking my empty phone to see if he's tried. Each time, I'm more dissapointed than I was before it. Its shattering me, and I don't know how long it'll be until I completely break. Expecially as he doesn't seem to care.

Sunday 11 April 2010

One Person

It's funny how one person changes everything. Absolutely everything. I have one chance and it all becomes disrupted, he has his own life, and now, I have mine, just as he decides to take an interest on his own. This is stupid! Why is it, that as soon as I decide not to bother too much if he's busy, and that I want to hang out on my own or with my own friends, he decides to start inviting me out, wanting to come and see me? Of course, it has only happened once, but still.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Back with a vengance!

And I'm back! Not saying no to any opportunity that passes me by, and its fantastic! I'm genuinely happy again, and not just with you, with everyone else as well. How things change so quickly! I love it, hopefully I can keep this up, but, with the right friends, it may just work out in the end.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Roller coaster Weather.

So, Wales weather. This is pathetic. I hate this stupid weather! Will it make its mind up, rain or shine, it seems to hate me. It can't decide. I've got so much work to do, and no energy to do it. Instead, I sit on my laptop, writing fanatical stories and updating my blog with nothing of much importance. I hate this! Why won't my mind focus?